Posts Tagged Science Daily Health News
Preliminary research from a small pilot study carried out in Meru, in eastern Kenya, shows a link between chronic pain and consumption of glutamate, a common flavor enhancer found in Western and non-Western diets worldwide. Source: Pilot study in Kenya shows link between chronic pain and glutamate consumption
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Increasing evidence has linked autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with dysfunction of the brain’s cerebellum, but the details have been unclear. In a new study, researchers used stem cell technology to create cerebellar cells known as Purkinje cells from patients with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), a genetic syndrome that often includes ASD-like features. Source: Lab-grown human […]
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Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease driven by the interplay of genetics, environmental factors and a diverse cast of immune cells. Researchers have now identified a subset of T cells, whose frequency serves as early childhood immune signature that predicts the risk of developing asthma later on. Source: Immune signature predicts asthma susceptibility
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Researchers have demonstrated the feasibility of their ‘organ-on-a-chip’ platform in studying how drugs are transported across the human placental barrier. Source: Drug transfer tested using placenta-on-a-chip
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Researchers have found that people with schizophrenia who experience auditory hallucinations tend to hear what they expect, an exaggerated version of a perceptual distortion that is common among other people without hallucinations. The researchers found that elevated dopamine could make some patients rely more on expectations, which could then result in hallucinations. Source: Link between […]
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Players of the competitive esports video game League of Legends showed no change in testosterone during game play, researchers have found. Source: No testosterone changes found in esports gamers
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Teens work very hard to create a favorable online image through careful selection of which photos, activities and links to post on Facebook and Instagram, according to a recent study. Content that makes them appear interesting, well-liked and attractive to their friends and peers is a primary goal for adolescents when deciding what to share […]
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New research in mice has found that a father’s stress affects the brain development of his offspring. This stress changes the father’s sperm, which can then alter the brain development of the child. This new research provides a much better understanding of the key role that fathers play in the brain development of offspring. Source: […]
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Aging or impaired brains can once again form lasting memories if an enzyme that applies the brakes too hard on a key gene is lifted, according to neurobiologists. Source: Restoring memory creation in older or damaged brains
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An antibody used to treat the skin disease psoriasis is also effective at reducing aortic inflammation, a key marker of future risk of major cardiovascular events. Source: Drug that treats psoriasis also reduces aortic vascular inflammation
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