Archive for Coronavirus [CoV]
Health care providers should contact their local/state health department immediately to notify them of patients with fever and lower respiratory illness who they suspect may have COVID-19. Source: Interim Guidelines for Collecting, Handling, and Testing Clinical Specimens for COVID-19
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Answers to commonly asked questions about COVID-19 vaccines, including vaccine cost, availability, and types. Source: Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 Vaccination
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Forecasts show national and state level cumulative reported and predicted deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. Source: Previous Forecasts of Total Deaths
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This webpage provides information for people with disabilities or conditions that may increase their risk of getting and spreading COVID-19, and for their care providers. Source: Vaccination Considerations for Persons with Disabilities
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Vaccine manufacturers; the federal government; state, local, and territorial jurisdictions; and other partners are working to make sure safe and effective vaccines are getting to you as quickly as possible. This page will help you understand the key steps in this important process and how CDC is tracking vaccine distribution, delivery, and administration throughout the […]
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Strategies to ensure adequate provision of care for mildly to moderately ill COVID-19 patients, and delivery of other non-COVID-19 essential health services during the COVID-19 outbreak. Source: Global Clinical Mitigation
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Increased stress can lead to increases in alcohol and substance use. If you or someone you care about is starting to use alcohol or other substances, or is increasing their use during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are resources that may help. Source: Alcohol and Substance Use
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To Scott Santibanez, the call sounded like a routine request in a 22-year career at CDC that has been filled with such calls. It proved to be anything but. Source: A Double Dose of Trouble
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Information about the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine including name, manufacturer, type of vaccine, number of shots, how it is given and links to ingredient information. Source: Information about the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
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Guidance and tools to help administrators of correctional and detention facilities make decisions and protect and communicate with staff, people who are incarcerated, and their communities during COVID-19. Source: Toolkit for Correctional and Detention Facilities
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